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刘水利,宋瑜龙,高峰岗 (1.西北农林科技大学 场站管理中心陕西杨凌 7121002西北农林科技大学 农学院陕西杨凌 712100) 
中文摘要:旨在探讨茎秆不同弯曲形态对致倒力矩大小的影响,以期提高小麦综合抗倒性能。利用风洞提供风源,设计制作穗不同倾斜度模型和茎秆不同弯曲形状模型等,并测试分析模型在不同风力作用下的致倒力矩差异,结果表明:风速为13 m/s,穗倾斜度每减少15°风力矩差异显著,当穗倾斜度降至0°时,穗的风力矩最小,且不同穗长间的风力矩差异不显著。弯曲形态似x/302+y/602=1(x≤0,y≥0,茎秆长度0.78 m)的上部茎秆弯曲模型,综合致倒力矩最小,且不同弯曲形状处理对不同风速的致倒力矩差异均达极显著水平;该模型在风速为9 m/s,茎秆相差5 cm时,综合致倒力矩差异不显著,株高差异对致倒力矩的影响小于其他模型,综合评价为最佳抗倒模型。弯曲形态似x+y=502 (x≤0,y≥0,茎秆长度0.78 m)的圆弧茎秆弯曲型为次佳抗倒模型。
中文关键词:小麦    茎秆  弯曲模型  致倒力
Analysis of the Lodging Ability of Wind in Typical Wheat Stalk Bending Models
Abstract:To study lodging moment in typical wheat stalk bending models for improving the capacity for resistance to lodging in wheat, different models involving wheat spikelet angle to rachis and stalk bending were designed and tested in a wind tunnel. The variances in the lodging moment in different models under different wind speeds were analysed. The experimental results indicated that wind-induced bending moment showed a significant difference with every 15° decrease in wheat spikelet angle at a wind speed of 13 m/s. Wind moment was the smallest and the values showed no significant difference for different spike lengths when the spike slope of wheat ear was decreased to 0°. The model of stalk bending expressed as the curve equation of x/302 + y/602 = 1(x≤0,y≥0, length of stalk = 0.78 m), showed a highly significant difference in the lodging moment, which was influenced by the different bending shapes.Meanwhile, the capacity for resistance to lodging in wheat was the minimum in this model. There was no significant difference in the capacity for resistance to lodging at a wind speed of 9 m/s, when the difference in culm length was 5 cm. Compared with other models, in this model, lodging moment was influenced very minimally by plant height. This model was found to be the best in terms of lodging resistance. Furthermore, the model of stalk bending with the curve equation expressed as x + y = 502 (x≤0,y≥0, length of stalk=0.78 m) is a sub-optimal model and showed a relatively lower possibility of lodging.
keywords:Wheat  Spike  Stem  Bending model  The lodging ability of wind
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主管单位:中华人民共和国教育部 主办单位:西北农林科技大学,甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆农(林)业科学院,青海、新疆畜牧(兽医)科学院及新疆农垦科学院 地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号大铁10号信箱
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