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王文杰,刘玉秀,张正茂,姜宗昊 (西北农林科技大学 农学院陕西杨凌 712100) 
中文关键词:黑小麦  灌水  净光合速率  产量  微量元素
Effect of Irrigation on Yield and Trace Element Content in Grains of Black Wheat
Abstract:With seven black wheat varieties as materials and the white wheat variety ‘Xinong 979’(CK) as control,an split plot experiment with two factors was carried out under treatments of no irrigation (W0), one irrigation (W1, at the wintering stage) and two irrigation (W2, at the wintering and jointing stage) in the field,the aim was to study flag leaf net photosynthetic rate(Pn), yield and its components, and Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Se content in the grains of black wheat.The results showed that Pn and yield of wheat increased significantly under W1 and W2 treatment, compared with W0. ‘Zhouheimai 1’ had the highest yield under the three treatments, its results indicated that ‘Zhouheimai 1’ could be used as a high-yielding black wheat variety under different conditions. Compared with W0, Se content in the grains of wheat increased significantly under W1 treatment.Se content in the grains of black wheat increased under W2 treatment, whereas white wheat reduced significantly,so it suggested that irrigation at the wintering stage could be beneficial for increase of Se content in the grains of black wheat.The effects of irrigation on Fe, Zn, Mn contents in the grains of wheat were different among varieties. The Cu content in the grains of wheat reduced significantly,and the decrease of Cu content in the grains of black wheat was greater than that of white wheat. Black wheat had higher capacity to enrich Fe, Mn and Se, compared with white wheat. Fe, Mn, Se and Zn content in the grains of ‘Xinongheidasui’variety were higher than that of other varieties under three treatments,which was a nutritious food resource with high development and utilization potential.
keywords:Black wheat  Irrigation  Net photosynthetic rate  Yield  Trace element
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